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There is more than just the energy gap law! New work in Advanced Optical Materials

Together with the groups of Prof. Dr. Andries Meijerink (Universiteit Utrecht, The Netherlands) and Prof. Dr. Henning Höppe (University of Augsburg) we have investigated the temperature-dependent luminescence of Gd3+ somewhat closer. Despite the shielded nature of the 4f orbitals, they do react to subtle changes in the local ligand field – and this should be also reflected in the non-radiative transition rates between two excited 4f levels. Indeed, we observe that with an increasing covalency of the Gd-O bonds from an yttrium borosulfate (Y2[B2(SO4)6]:Gd3+) to conventional lanthanum orthoborate (LaBO3:Gd3+) the non-radiative coupling rates between the excited levels of Gd3+ in the UV range become slightly enhanced. This offers first experimental evidence for what we have already predicted earlier and that non-radiative transition rates do react to ligand field effects. This could lead to a new access to the understanding of non-radiative transitions in general and has an important impact on the performance of luminescent thermometers. The work has been recently published in Advanced Optical Materials and is available open access:

P. Netzsch, M. Hämmer, E. Turgunbajew, T. P. van Swieten, A. Meijerink, H. A. Höppe, M. Suta, Beyond the energy gap law: the influence of selection rules and host compound effects on non-radiative transition rates in Boltzmann thermometers.

Adv. Opt. Mater. 2022, 10, 2200059


Kategorie/n: AC Suta
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